Interface | Description |
GrainEnvelope |
This envelope should start at 0.0, go up to 1.0 and then return to 0.0 in duration time.
GrainScheduler |
Defines a class that can schedule the execution of Grains in a GrainFarm.
GrainSource |
Defines classes that can provide the signal inside a Grain.
UnitSink |
Interface for unit generators that have an input.
UnitSource |
Interface for things that have that have an output and an associated UnitGenerator.
UnitVoice |
A voice that can be allocated and played by the VoiceAllocator.
Class | Description |
Add |
This unit performs a signed addition on its two inputs.
AsymptoticRamp |
Output approaches Input exponentially.
BrownNoise |
BrownNoise unit.
ChannelIn |
Provides access to one specific channel of the audio input.
ChannelOut |
Provides access to one channel of the audio output.
Circuit |
Contains a list of units that are executed together.
Compare |
Output 1.0 if inputA > inputB.
ContinuousRamp |
A ramp whose function over time is continuous in value and in slope.
CrossFade |
Linear CrossFade between parts of the input.
Delay |
Simple non-interpolating delay.
Divide |
This unit divides its two inputs.
DualInTwoOut |
This unit splits a dual (stereo) input to two discrete outputs.
EdgeDetector |
Output 1.0 if the input crosses from zero while rising.
EnvelopeAttackDecay |
Two stage Attack/Decay envelope that is triggered by an input level greater than THRESHOLD.
EnvelopeDAHDSR |
Six stage envelope similar to an ADSR.
ExponentialRamp |
Output approaches Input exponentially and will reach it in the specified time.
Periodically transform the complex input signal using an FFT to a complex spectral stream.
FFTBase |
Periodically transform the complex input signal using an FFT to a complex spectral stream.
FilterAllPass |
AllPass filter using the following formula:
FilterBandPass |
Filter that allows frequencies around the center frequency to pass and blocks others.
FilterBandStop |
Filter that blocks frequencies around the center frequency.
FilterBiquad |
Base class for a set of IIR filters.
FilterBiquadCommon |
Extend this class to create a filter that implements a Biquad filter with a Q port.
FilterBiquadShelf |
This filter is based on the BiQuad filter and is used as a base class for FilterLowShelf and
FilterFourPoles |
Resonant filter in the style of the Moog ladder filter.
FilterHighPass |
Filter that allows frequencies above the center frequency to pass.
FilterHighShelf |
HighShelf Filter.
FilterLowPass |
Filter that allows frequencies below the center frequency to pass.
FilterLowShelf |
LowShelf Filter.
FilterOnePole |
First Order, One Pole filter using the following formula:
FilterOnePoleOneZero |
First Order, One Pole, One Zero filter using the following formula:
FilterOneZero |
First Order, One Zero filter using the following formula:
FilterPeakingEQ |
PeakingEQ Filter.
FilterStateVariable |
A versatile filter described in Hal Chamberlain's "Musical Applications of MicroProcessors".
FilterTwoPoles |
Second Order, Two Pole filter using the following formula:
FilterTwoPolesTwoZeros |
Second Order, Two Pole, Two Zero filter using the following formula:
FixedRateMonoReader |
Simple sample player.
FixedRateMonoWriter |
Simple sample writer.
FixedRateStereoReader |
Simple stereo sample player.
FixedRateStereoWriter |
Simple stereo sample writer.
FourWayFade |
FourWayFade unit.
FunctionEvaluator |
Convert an input value to an output value.
FunctionOscillator |
Oscillator that uses a Function object to define the waveform.
Grain |
A single Grain that is normally created and controlled by a GrainFarm.
GrainCommon | |
GrainFarm |
A unit generator that generates a cloud of sound using multiple Grains.
GrainSourceSine |
A simple sine wave generator for a Grain.
Periodically transform the complex input spectrum using an IFFT to a complex signal stream.
ImpulseOscillator |
Narrow impulse oscillator.
ImpulseOscillatorBL |
Impulse oscillator created by differentiating a sawtoothBL.
Integrate |
IntegrateUnit unit.
InterpolatingDelay |
Latch |
Latch or hold an input value.
LatchZeroCrossing |
Latches when input crosses zero.
LinearRamp |
Output approaches Input linearly.
LineIn |
External audio input is sent to the output of this unit.
LineOut |
Input audio is sent to the external audio output device.
Maximum |
Output largest of inputA or inputB.
Minimum |
Output smallest of inputA or inputB.
MixerMono |
Multi-channel mixer with mono output and master amplitude.
MixerMonoRamped |
Similar to MixerMono but the gain and amplitude ports are smoothed using short linear ramps.
MixerStereo |
Mixer with monophonic inputs and two channels of output.
MixerStereoRamped |
Similar to MixerStereo but the gain, pan and amplitude ports are smoothed using short linear
MonoStreamWriter |
Write one sample per audio frame to an AudioOutputStream with no interpolation.
MorphingOscillatorBL |
Oscillator that can change its shape from sine to sawtooth to pulse.
Multiply |
This unit multiplies its two inputs.
MultiplyAdd |
output = (inputA * inputB) + inputC
Pan |
Pan unit.
PanControl |
PanControl unit.
ParabolicEnvelope |
ParabolicEnvelope unit.
PassThrough |
Pass the input through to the output unchanged.
PeakFollower |
Tracks the peaks of an input signal.
PhaseShifter |
PhaseShifter effects processor.
PinkNoise |
Random output with 3dB per octave rolloff providing a soft natural noise sound.
PitchDetector |
Estimate the fundamental frequency of a monophonic signal.
PitchToFrequency | |
PowerOfTwo |
output = (2.0^input) This is useful for converting a pitch modulation value into a frequency
PulseOscillator |
Simple pulse wave oscillator.
PulseOscillatorBL |
Pulse oscillator that uses two band limited sawtooth waveforms.
RaisedCosineEnvelope |
An envelope that can be used in a GrainFarm to shape the amplitude of a Grain.
RangeConverter |
Convert an input signal between -1.0 and +1.0 to the range min to max.
RectangularWindow |
Window that is just 1.0.
RedNoise |
RedNoise unit.
SampleGrainFarm |
A GrainFarm that uses a FloatSample as source material.
SampleGrainSource | |
SawtoothOscillator |
Simple sawtooth oscillator.
SawtoothOscillatorBL |
Sawtooth oscillator that uses multiple wave tables for band limiting.
SawtoothOscillatorDPW |
Sawtooth DPW oscillator (a sawtooth with reduced aliasing).
SchmidtTrigger |
SchmidtTrigger unit.
Select |
SelectUnit unit.
SequentialDataReader |
Base class for reading a sample or envelope.
SequentialDataWriter |
Base class for writing to a sample.
SineOscillator |
Sine oscillator generates a frequency controlled sine wave.
SineOscillatorPhaseModulated |
Sine oscillator with a phase modulation input.
SpectralFFT |
Periodically transform the input signal using an FFT.
SpectralFilter |
Process a signal using multiple overlapping FFT and IFFT pairs.
SpectralIFFT |
Periodically transform the input signal using an Inverse FFT.
SpectralProcessor |
This is a base class for implementing your own spectral processing units.
SquareOscillator |
Simple square wave oscillator.
SquareOscillatorBL |
Band-limited square wave oscillator.
StereoStreamWriter |
Write two samples per audio frame to an AudioOutputStream as interleaved samples.
StochasticGrainScheduler |
Use a random function to schedule grains.
Subtract |
This unit performs a signed subtraction on its two inputs.
TriangleOscillator |
Simple triangle wave oscillator.
TunableFilter |
A UnitFilter with a frequency port.
TwoInDualOut |
This unit combines two discrete inputs into a dual (stereo) output.
UnitBinaryOperator |
Base class for binary arithmetic operators like Add and Compare.
UnitFilter |
Base class for all filters.
UnitGate |
Base class for other envelopes.
UnitGenerator |
Base class for all unit generators.
UnitOscillator |
Base class for all oscillators.
UnitStreamWriter |
Base class for writing to an AudioOutputStream.
Unzipper |
Used inside UnitGenerators for fast smoothing of inputs.
VariableRateDataReader | |
VariableRateMonoReader |
This reader can play any SequentialData and will interpolate between adjacent values.
VariableRateStereoReader |
This reader can play any SequentialData and will interpolate between adjacent values.
WhiteNoise |
WhiteNoise unit.
ZeroCrossingCounter |
Count zero crossings.